Source code for directaccess

import os
import re
import time
import json
import base64
import logging
from uuid import uuid4
from math import floor
from shutil import rmtree
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from collections import OrderedDict

import requests
import unicodecsv as csv
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from urllib3.util.retry import Retry

class DAAuthException(Exception):

class DAQueryException(Exception):

class DADatasetException(Exception):

def _chunks(iterable, n):
    Return iterables with n members from an input iterable
    :param iterable: the iterable to chunk up
    :param n: max number of items in chunked list
    l = len(iterable)
    for ndx in range(0, l, n):
        yield iterable[ndx: min(ndx + n, l)]

class BaseAPI(object):
    url = ""

    def __init__(self, api_key, retries, backoff_factor, **kwargs):
        self.api_key = api_key
        self.retries = retries
        self.backoff_factor = backoff_factor

        if kwargs.get("logger"):
            self.logger = kwargs.pop("logger").getChild("directaccess")
                level=kwargs.pop("log_level", logging.INFO),
                format="%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s",
                datefmt="%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S",
            self.logger = logging.getLogger("directaccess")

        self.session = requests.Session()
        self.session.verify = kwargs.pop("verify", True)
        self.session.proxies = kwargs.pop("proxies", {})
            {"X-API-KEY": self.api_key, "User-Agent": "direct-access-py"}

        self._status_forcelist = [500, 502, 503, 504]
        retries = Retry(
            allowed_methods=frozenset(["GET", "POST", "HEAD"]),
        self.session.mount("https://", HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))

    def query(self, dataset, **options):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def to_csv(self, query, path, log_progress=True, **kwargs):
        Write query results to CSV. Optional keyword arguments are
        provided to the csv writer object, allowing control over
        delimiters, quoting, etc. The default is comma-separated
        with csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL


            d2 = DirectAccessV2(client_id, client_secret, api_key)
            query = d2.query('rigs', deleteddate='null', pagesize=1500)
            # Write tab-separated file
            d2.to_csv(query, '/path/to/rigs.csv', delimiter='\\t')

        :param query: DirectAccessV1 or DirectAccessV2 query object
        :param path: relative or absolute filesystem path for created CSV
        :type path: str
        :param log_progress: whether to log progress. if True, log a message with current written count
        :type log_progress: bool
        :return: the newly created CSV file path
        with open(path, mode="wb") as f:
            writer = csv.writer(f, **kwargs)
            count = None
            for i, row in enumerate(query, start=1):
                row = OrderedDict(sorted(row.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
                count = i
                if count == 1:

                if log_progress and i % 100000 == 0:
                        "Wrote {count} records to file {path}".format(
                            count=count, path=path
                "Completed writing CSV file to {path}. Final count {count}".format(
                    path=path, count=count
        return path

[docs]class DirectAccessV2(BaseAPI): """Client for Enverus Drillinginfo Developer API Version 2""" def __init__( self, client_id, client_secret, api_key, retries=5, backoff_factor=1, links=None, access_token=None, **kwargs ): """ Enverus Drillinginfo Developer API Version 2 client API documentation and credentials can be found at: :param client_id: client id credential. :type client_id: str :param client_secret: client secret credential. :type client_secret: str :param api_key: api key credential. :type api_key: str :param retries: the number of attempts when retrying failed requests with status codes of 500, 502, 503 or 504 :type retries: int :param backoff_factor: the factor to use when exponentially backing off prior to retrying a failed request :type backoff_factor: int :param links: a dictionary of prev and next links as provided by the python-requests Session. See :type dict :param access_token: an optional, pregenerated access token. If provided, the class instance will not automatically try to request a new access token. :type: access_token: str :param kwargs: """ super(DirectAccessV2, self).__init__(api_key, retries, backoff_factor, **kwargs) self.client_id = client_id self.client_secret = client_secret self.links = links self.access_token = access_token self.url = self.url + "/v2/direct-access" self.session.hooks["response"].append(self._check_response) if self.access_token: self.session.headers["Authorization"] = "bearer {}".format( self.access_token ) else: self.access_token = self.get_access_token()["access_token"] def _check_response(self, response, *args, **kwargs): """ Check responses for errors. If the API returns 400, there was a problem with the provided parameters. Raise DAQueryException. If the API returns 400 and request was to /tokens endpoint, likely bad credentials. Raise DAAuthException. If the API returns 401, refresh access token if found and resend request. If the API returns 403 and request was to /tokens endpoint, sleep for 60 seconds and try again. If the API returns 404, an invalid dataset name was provided. Raise DADatasetException. 5xx errors are handled by the session's Retry configuration. Debug logging returns retries remaining. :param response: a requests Response object :type response: requests.Response :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ if not response.ok: self.logger.debug("Response status code: " + str(response.status_code)) self.logger.debug("Response text: " + response.text) if response.status_code == 400: if "tokens" in response.url: raise DAAuthException( "Error getting token. Code: {} Message: {}".format( response.status_code, response.text ) ) raise DAQueryException(response.text) if response.status_code == 401: self.logger.warning("Access token expired. Acquiring a new one...") self.get_access_token() request = response.request request.headers["Authorization"] = self.session.headers["Authorization"] return self.session.send(request) if response.status_code == 403 and "tokens" in response.url: self.logger.warning("Throttled token request. Waiting 60 seconds...") self.retries -= 1 self.logger.debug("Retries remaining: {}".format(self.retries)) time.sleep(60) request = response.request return self.session.send(request) if response.status_code == 404: raise DADatasetException("Invalid dataset name provided") if response.status_code in self._status_forcelist: self.logger.debug("Retries remaining: {}".format(self.retries))
[docs] def get_access_token(self): """ Get an access token from /tokens endpoint. Automatically sets the Authorization header on the class instance's session. Raises DAAuthException on error :return: token response as dict """ url = self.url + "/tokens" if not self.api_key or not self.client_id or not self.client_secret: raise DAAuthException( "API_KEY, CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET are required to generate an access token" ) self.session.headers["Authorization"] = "Basic {}".format( base64.b64encode( ":".join([self.client_id, self.client_secret]).encode() ).decode() ) self.session.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" payload = {"grant_type": "client_credentials"} response =, params=payload) self.logger.debug("Token response: " + json.dumps(response.json(), indent=2)) self.access_token = response.json()["access_token"] self.session.headers["Authorization"] = "bearer {}".format(self.access_token) return response.json()
[docs] def ddl(self, dataset, database): """ Get DDL statement for dataset. Must provide exactly one of mssql or pg for database argument. mssql is Microsoft SQL Server, pg is PostgreSQL :param dataset: a valid dataset name. See the Direct Access documentation for valid values :param database: one of mssql or pg. :return: a DDL statement from the Direct Access service as str """ url = self.url + "/" + dataset self.logger.debug("Retrieving DDL for dataset: " + dataset) response = self.session.get(url, params=dict(ddl=database)) return response.text
[docs] def docs(self, dataset): """ Get docs for dataset :param dataset: a valid dataset name. See the Direct Access documentation for valid values :return: docs response for dataset as list[dict] or None if ?docs is not supported on the dataset """ url = self.url + "/" + dataset self.logger.debug("Retrieving docs for dataset: " + dataset) response = self.session.get(url, params=dict(docs=True)) if response.status_code == 501: self.logger.warning( "docs and example params are not yet supported on dataset {dataset}".format( dataset=dataset ) ) return return response.json()
[docs] def count(self, dataset, **options): """ Get the count of records given a dataset and query options :param dataset: a valid dataset name. See the Direct Access documentation for valid values :param options: query parameters as keyword arguments :return: record count as int """ url = self.url + "/" + dataset response = self.session.head(url, params=options) count = response.headers.get("X-Query-Record-Count") return int(count)
[docs] @staticmethod def in_(items): """ Helper method for providing values to the API's `in()` filter function. The API currently supports GET requests to dataset endpoints. When providing a large list of values to the API's `in()` filter function, it's necessary to chunk up the values to avoid URLs larger than 2048 characters. The `query` method of this class handles the chunking transparently; this helper method simply stringifies the input items into the correct syntax. :: d2 = DirectAccessV2(client_id, client_secret, api_key) # Query well-origins well_origins_query = d2.query( dataset='well-origins', deleteddate='null', pagesize=100000 ) # Get all UIDs for well-origins uid_parent_ids = [x['UID'] for x in well_origins_query] # Provide the UIDs to wellbores endpoint wellbores_query = d2.query( dataset='wellbores', deleteddate='null', pagesize=100000, uidparent=d2.in_(uid_parent_ids) ) :param items: list or generator of values to provide to in() filter function :type items: list :return: str to provide to DirectAccessV2 `query` method """ if not isinstance(items, list): raise TypeError( "Argument provided was not a list. Type provided: {}".format( type(items) ) ) return "in({})".format(",".join([str(x) for x in items]))
[docs] def to_dataframe( self, dataset, converters=None, log_progress=True, **options ): """ Write query results to a pandas Dataframe with properly set dtypes and index columns. This works by requesting the DDL for `dataset` and manipulating the text to build a list of dtypes, date columns and the index column(s). It then makes a query request for `dataset` to ensure we know the exact fields to expect, (ie, if `fields` was a provided query parameter and the result will have fewer fields than the DDL). For endpoints with composite primary keys, a pandas MultiIndex is created. This method is potentially fragile. The API's `docs` feature is preferable but not yet available on all endpoints. Query results are written to a temporary CSV file and then read into the dataframe. The CSV is removed afterwards. pandas version 0.24.0 or higher is required for use of the Int64 dtype allowing integers with NaN values. It is not possible to coerce missing values for columns of dtype bool and so these are set to `object` dtype. :: d2 = DirectAccessV2(client_id, client_secret, api_key) # Create a Texas permits dataframe, removing commas from Survey names and replacing the state # abbreviation with the complete name. df = d2.to_dataframe( dataset='permits', deleteddate='null', pagesize=100000, stateprovince='TX', converters={ 'StateProvince': lambda x: 'TEXAS', 'Survey': lambda x: x.replace(',', '') } ) df.head(10) :param dataset: a valid dataset name. See the Direct Access documentation for valid values :type dataset: str :param converters: Dict of functions for converting values in certain columns. Keys can either be integers or column labels. :type converters: dict :param log_progress: whether to log progress. if True, log a message with current written count :type log_progress: bool :param options: query parameters as keyword arguments :return: pandas dataframe """ try: import pandas except ImportError: raise Exception( "pandas not installed. This method requires pandas >= 0.24.0" ) ddl = self.ddl(dataset, database="mssql") try: index_col = re.findall(r"PRIMARY KEY \(([a-z0-9,]*)\)", ddl)[0].split(",") except IndexError: index_col = None self.logger.debug("index_col: {}".format(index_col)) ddl = { x.split(" ")[0]: x.split(" ")[1][:-1] for x in ddl.split("\n")[1:] if x and "CONSTRAINT" not in x } pagesize = options.pop("pagesize") if "pagesize" in options else None try: filter_ = OrderedDict( sorted( next(self.query(dataset, pagesize=1, **options)).items(), key=lambda x: x[0], ) ).keys() self.logger.debug( "Fields retrieved from query response: {}".format( json.dumps(list(filter_), indent=2, default=str) ) ) except StopIteration: raise Exception("No results returned from query") self.links = None if pagesize: options["pagesize"] = pagesize try: index_col = [ x for x in filter_ if x.upper() in [y.upper() for y in index_col] ] if index_col and len(index_col) == 1: index_col = index_col[0] except (IndexError, TypeError) as e: self.logger.warning("Could not discover index col(s): {}".format(e)) index_col = None self.logger.debug("index_col: {}".format(index_col)) date_cols = [k for k, v in ddl.items() if v == "DATETIME" and k in filter_] self.logger.debug("date columns:\n{}".format(json.dumps(date_cols, indent=2))) dtypes_mapping = { "TEXT": "object", "NUMERIC": "float64", "DATETIME": "object", "INT": "Int64", "VARCHAR(5)": "object", } dtypes = {k: dtypes_mapping[v] for k, v in ddl.items() if k in filter_} self.logger.debug("dtypes:\n{}".format(json.dumps(dtypes, indent=2))) t = mkdtemp() self.logger.debug("Created temporary directory: " + t) query = self.query(dataset, **options) try: chunks = pandas.read_csv( filepath_or_buffer=self.to_csv( query, os.path.join(t, "{}.csv".format(uuid4().hex)), delimiter="|", log_progress=log_progress, ), sep="|", dtype=dtypes, index_col=index_col, parse_dates=date_cols, chunksize=options.get("pagesize", 100000), converters=converters, ) df = pandas.concat(chunks) return df finally: rmtree(t) self.logger.debug("Removed temporary directory")
[docs] def query(self, dataset, **options): """ Query Direct Access V2 dataset Accepts a dataset name and a variable number of keyword arguments that correspond to the fields specified in the 'Request Parameters' section for each dataset in the Direct Access documentation. This method only supports the JSON output provided by the API and yields dicts for each record. :param dataset: a valid dataset name. See the Direct Access documentation for valid values :param options: query parameters as keyword arguments :return: query response as generator """ url = self.url + "/" + dataset query_chunks = None for field, v in options.items(): if "in(" in str(v) and len(str(v)) > 1950: values = re.split(r"in\((.*?)\)", options[field])[1].split(",") chunksize = int(floor(1950 / len(max(values)))) query_chunks = (field, [x for x in _chunks(values, chunksize)]) while True: if self.links: response = self.session.get(self.url + self.links["next"]["url"]) else: if query_chunks and query_chunks[1]: options[query_chunks[0]] = self.in_(query_chunks[1].pop(0)) response = self.session.get(url, params=options) if not response.ok: raise DAQueryException( "Non-200 response: {} {}".format( response.status_code, response.text ) ) records = response.json() if not len(records): self.links = None if query_chunks and query_chunks[1]: continue break if "next" in response.links: self.links = response.links for record in records: yield record